Kas Ir Tuberkuloze (TB) - Simptomi, 14 Līdzekļi Un ēdamie ēdieni

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Video: Kas Ir Tuberkuloze (TB) - Simptomi, 14 Līdzekļi Un ēdamie ēdieni

Video: Kas Ir Tuberkuloze (TB) - Simptomi, 14 Līdzekļi Un ēdamie ēdieni
Video: Kam domāta pelašķa tēja? 2024, Aprīlis
Kas Ir Tuberkuloze (TB) - Simptomi, 14 Līdzekļi Un ēdamie ēdieni
Kas Ir Tuberkuloze (TB) - Simptomi, 14 Līdzekļi Un ēdamie ēdieni

Lielākā daļa no jums varētu būt pazīstami ar TB. Tuberkuloze vai TB, kā to parasti sauc, bija viens no galvenajiem nāves cēloņiem 20. gadsimtā. Tāpat kā Keralas Nipah vīruss, arī šī slimība bija lipīga. Arī šodien TB turpina izraisīt bailes, un, lai veiksmīgi atveseļotos, 6 līdz 9 mēnešu laikā ir nepieciešama medicīniska ārstēšana. Tā kā ar šo slimību var būt grūti un spītīgi cīnīties, mums ir 14 brīnišķīgi mājas aizsardzības līdzekļi, kas palīdzēs jūsu pašreizējām medicīniskajām procedūrām darboties labāk. Ritiniet uz leju, lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas.

Satura rādītājs

  • Kas ir TB?
  • Tuberkulozes veidi
  • Tuberkulozes pazīmes un simptomi
  • Kā diagnosticēt tuberkulozi
  • TB cēloņi un riska faktori
  • 14 mājas aizsardzības līdzekļi, lai izārstētu TB

Kas ir TB?

TB (tuberkuloze) ir lipīga infekcija, kas, kā zināms, uzbrūk plaušām, un tā var izplatīties arī uz citām ķermeņa daļām, piemēram, jūsu smadzenēm un mugurkaulu. Mikrobi, kas izraisa TB, ir baktērijas, ko sauc par Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Šai slimībai ir divas formas.

Atpakaļ uz TOC

Tuberkulozes veidi

Tuberkuloze tiek klasificēta divos veidos atkarībā no tā ietekmes uz jūsu ķermeni.

  • Latentā TB: Šis tips norāda, ka jūsu ķermenī ir TB baktērijas, bet imūnsistēma kavē to izplatīšanos. Šajā gadījumā jūs neesat lipīgs un jums nebūs TB simptomu.
  • Aktīvā TB: Kad TB izraisošie mikrobi inficētā indivīda ķermenī vairojas, tas norāda uz aktīvu TB infekciju. Šajā gadījumā jūs esat lipīgs un varat izplatīt infekciju. Lielākā daļa aktīvo TB infekciju rodas latentas TB reaktivācijas rezultātā.

Pēc inficēšanās pacientiem parasti ir šādas pazīmes un simptomi.

Atpakaļ uz TOC

Tuberkulozes pazīmes un simptomi

  • Klepus ar flegmu vai asinīm, kas var ilgt vairāk nekā trīs nedēļas
  • Nogurums
  • Sāpes krūtīs
  • Nogurums
  • Drudzis
  • Svara zudums
  • Apetītes zudums
  • Nakts svīšana

Kad esat pamanījis iepriekš minētos simptomus, ir prātīgi nekavējoties apmeklēt ārstu, lai pārbaudītu infekciju.

Atpakaļ uz TOC

Kā diagnosticēt tuberkulozi

Lai pārbaudītu TB infekciju, ārsts var klausīties plaušas, izmantojot stetoskopu, un meklēt limfmezglu pietūkumu. Jums pat var jautāt par simptomiem.

Viens no visbiežāk izmantotajiem testiem, lai diagnosticētu TB, ir ādas tests. Šajā pārbaudē jūsu apakšdelma iekšpusē tiek ievadīts TB baktērijas ekstrakts, ko sauc par PPD tuberkulīnu. Ja āda ap injicēto zonu pāris dienu laikā veido cietu un sarkanu bumbuli, visticamāk, ka esat saslimis ar tuberkulozi. Tomēr šis tests nav 100% precīzs, un ir zināms, ka tas dažkārt sniedz negatīvu rādījumu.

Ir arī citi diagnostikas testi, piemēram, asins analīzes, rentgenstaru krūtīs un krēpu testi, kurus var izmantot TB noteikšanai.

Kā jūs jau zināt, TB izraisa baktērijas. Daži faktori var palielināt tuberkulozes attīstības risku. Vairāk par tiem jūs atradīsit nākamajā sadaļā.

Atpakaļ uz TOC

TB cēloņi un riska faktori

Tā ir Mycobacterium tuberculosis baktērija, kas izraisa tuberkulozi. Tuberkuloze, kas ir lipīga slimība, var viegli izplatīties pa gaisu, kad inficēts indivīds klepo, šķauda, spļauj, smejas vai pat runā.

Dažas TB baktērijas tagad ir kļuvušas izturīgas pret zālēm, kuras lieto to ārstēšanai. Tas padara multirezistentu TB grūtāk ārstējamu nekā parasti.

Daži faktori var izraisīt tuberkulozes attīstības risku. Tie ietver:

  • Jūsu ģimenes loceklim vai līdzstrādniekam ir izveidojusies TB
  • Ceļošana uz teritorijām ar TB uzliesmojumu
  • Darbs slimnīcā
  • Vēža ārstēšana, piemēram, ķīmijterapija
  • Zems ķermeņa svars vai nepietiekams uzturs
  • Zāles orgānu transplantācijai
  • Zāles, ko lieto psoriāzes, reimatoīdā artrīta vai psoriāzes ārstēšanai

Jums var būt arī lielāks risks saslimt ar TB, ja imūnsistēma ir vāja. Tādējādi jūs nevarat cīnīties ar tuberkulozes infekciju, ja jūs ciešat no šādiem apstākļiem:

  • HIV vai AIDS
  • Diabēts
  • Nieru slimības
  • Galvas un kakla vēzis

Lai gan ir ļoti ieteicams meklēt medicīnisku palīdzību tuberkulozes ārstēšanai, jūs varat arī izmēģināt kādu no šiem līdzekļiem, lai ātrāk un labāk atveseļotos pēc infekcijas.

Atpakaļ uz TOC

14 mājas aizsardzības līdzekļi tuberkulozes ārstēšanai

  1. D vitamīns
  2. Ēteriskās eļļas
  3. Adaptogēnie augi
  4. Probiotikas
  5. Zaļā tēja
  6. Ķiploki
  7. Apelsīnu sula
  8. Indijas ērkšķoga
  9. Valrieksti
  10. Melnie pipari
  11. Banāns
  12. Krēms Apple
  13. Piparmētra
  14. Bungu lapas

Kā dabiski ārstēt tuberkulozi

1. D vitamīns

Tuberculosis Treatment - Vitamin D
Tuberculosis Treatment - Vitamin D
Jums būs nepieciešams

500-2000 SV D vitamīna

Kas jums jādara
  1. Lietojiet pārtiku, kas bagāta ar D vitamīnu, piemēram, zivis, piena produktus, sieru un olas.
  2. You can also take supplements for vitamin D after consulting your doctor.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this daily.

Why This Works

Individuals deficient in vitamin D have a higher risk of developing tuberculosis (1). Vitamin D can help prevent as well as limit TB by enhancing the functioning of your immune system and aiding the production of cytokine.

2. Damiana Essential Oil

You Will Need
  • 3-4 drops of damiana essential oil
  • Diffuser
  • Water
What You Have To Do
  1. Add three to four drops of damiana essential oil to a diffuser filled with water.
  2. Inhale the diffused air.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this 1 to 2 times daily.

Why This Works

A study published Natural Product Communications concluded that essentials oils of Damiana (Turnera diffusa), as well as of other plants like Salvia aratocensis and Lippia americana, exhibited antimycobacterial properties against the TB bacteria (2).

3. Adaptogenic Herbs

Tuberculosis Treatment - Adaptogenic Herbs
Tuberculosis Treatment - Adaptogenic Herbs

Adaptogenic herbs are another natural remedy to help treat tuberculosis. Herbs like astragalus and rhodiola extract can be used for treating TB by enhancing your immunity. They also help with the phagocytosis of M. tuberculosis (3), (4).

You can consume these herbs by brewing a tea with them or taking supplements for them after consulting your physician.

4. Probiotics

Tuberculosis Treatment - Probiotics
Tuberculosis Treatment - Probiotics
You Will Need

1 bowl of probiotic yogurt

What You Have To Do

Include a bowl of probiotic-rich yogurt in your daily diet.

How Often You Should Do This

You must do this on a daily basis.

Why This Works

Probiotics exhibit a bacterium-neutralizing effect. They help inhibit the growth of M. Tuberculosis, thereby helping fight TB (5).

5. Green Tea

Tuberculosis Treatment - Green Tea
Tuberculosis Treatment - Green Tea
You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves
  • 1 cup of water
  • Honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Add a teaspoon of green tea leaves to a cup of hot water.
  2. Simmer and strain.
  3. When the tea cools a bit, add some honey to it.
  4. Consume immediately.
How Often You Should Do This

Drink green tea 1 to 2 times daily.

Why This Works

Tea leaves contain polyphenols called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that are believed to inhibit the growth of M. tuberculosis bacterium. Hence, regular consumption of green tea is a great way to treat and prevent tuberculosis (6).

6. Garlic

Tuberculosis Treatment - Garlic
Tuberculosis Treatment - Garlic
You Will Need

1-2 teaspoons of minced garlic

What You Have To Do
  1. Add one to two teaspoons of minced garlic to your daily diet.
  2. You can also chew on garlic directly if you can withstand its strong flavor.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this on a daily basis.

Why This Works

Garlic is found to inhibit the proliferation of the tuberculosis bacteria, and this is due to the antimicrobial properties of allicin (a compound found in garlic) (7).

7. Orange Juice

Tuberculosis Treatment - Orange Juice
Tuberculosis Treatment - Orange Juice
You Will Need
  • 2 oranges
  • A pinch of salt
  • Honey (as required)
What You Have To Do
  1. Blend two oranges with a pinch of salt.
  2. Extract the juice and add some honey to it.
  3. Consume immediately before the juice turns bitter.
How Often You Should Do This

Drink orange juice twice daily for faster recovery.

Why This Works

Orange juice is packed with minerals and vitamins. It exhibits expectorant (cough-relieving) properties in individuals affected by tuberculosis, thereby helping them recover soon (8).

8. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Tuberculosis Treatment - Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
Tuberculosis Treatment - Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
You Will Need
  • 3-4 Indian gooseberries
  • Water (as required)
  • Honey (as required)
What You Have To Do
  1. Deseed three to four Indian gooseberries.
  2. Blend with a little water and extract the juice.
  3. Add some honey to the gooseberry extract and consume immediately.
How Often You Should Do This

You must drink this concoction once every morning on an empty stomach.

Why This Works

Indian gooseberries act as adjuvants to anti-tubercular drugs (9). When consumed along with tuberculosis drugs, they can weaken the side effects of these drugs and also help prevent the recurrence of TB.

9. Walnuts

Tuberculosis Treatment - Walnuts
Tuberculosis Treatment - Walnuts
You Will Need


What You Have To Do
  1. Consume a few walnuts daily.
  2. You can also crush the walnuts and add them to your favorite smoothie or dishes.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this on a daily basis.

Why This Works

Walnuts are rich sources of various nutrients that are beneficial for your overall health. Regular consumption of walnuts can enhance your immunity and protect your body from the ill effects of tuberculosis (10).

10. Black Pepper

Tuberculosis Treatment - Black Pepper
Tuberculosis Treatment - Black Pepper
You Will Need
  • 8-10 whole peppers
  • Clarified butter
What You Have To Do
  1. Fry the whole black peppers in clarified butter.
  2. Add a little honey and lemon to this and make a paste.
  3. Consume half a teaspoon of this concoction every few hours.
  4. You can also add pepper powder to your favorite dishes.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this daily.

Why This Works

Black pepper contains a compound called piperine. Piperine exhibits inhibitory action against drug-resistant tuberculosis bacterium and enhances the action of anti-tubular drugs against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (11).

11. Banana

Tuberculosis Treatment - Banana
Tuberculosis Treatment - Banana
You Will Need

1-2 bananas

What You Have To Do
  1. Have one to two bananas daily.
  2. Alternatively, you can also blend the bananas with some milk and drink the smoothie.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this 1 to 2 times daily.

Why This Works

Tuberculosis can make you physically very weak. This is when the role of superfoods like bananas comes into play. Bananas are packed with minerals like potassium that can instantly boost your energy and speed up your recovery (12).

12. Custard Apple

Tuberculosis Treatment - Custard Apple
Tuberculosis Treatment - Custard Apple
You Will Need
  • 2 custard apples
  • 25 seedless raisins
  • 1 ½ glasses of water
  • Sugar
What You Have To Do
  1. Extract the pulp of two custard apples.
  2. Bring it to a boil with water and 25 seedless raisins.
  3. Boil for about 10 minutes until one-third of the water is left.
  4. Strain the mixture and add a little sugar to it.
  5. Consume a teaspoon of this mixture.
How Often You Should Do This

You must consume this mixture twice daily – once in the morning, and once at night.

Why This Works

Custard apple (popularly know as sitaphal in India) is believed to have rejuvenating properties – similar to that of anti-tubular drugs used to treat tuberculosis. It is a popular Ayurvedic remedy used for TB and, unarguably, one of the best as well (13).

13. Mint

Tuberculosis Treatment - Mint
Tuberculosis Treatment - Mint
You Will Need
  • 1-2 tablespoons of crushed mint leaves
  • 1 cup of water
What You Have To Do
  1. Add the crushed mint leaves to a cup of water.
  2. Bring it to a boil in a saucepan.
  3. Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
  4. Allow the tea to cool a bit before drinking.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this 2 to 3 times daily for optimum benefits.

Why This Works

The presence of menthol imparts powerful expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties to mint leaves, which can help in treating symptoms of TB, such as chest pain and cough (14).

14. Drumstick Leaves

Tuberculosis Treatment - Drumstick Leaves
Tuberculosis Treatment - Drumstick Leaves
You Will Need
  • A handful of drumstick leaves
  • 1 ½ cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • A pinch of salt and pepper
What You Have To Do
  1. Add one and a half cups of water to a handful of washed drumstick leaves.
  2. Bring it to a boil in a saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of salt and pepper to the mixture.
  4. Drink this every morning on an empty stomach.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this once daily for about 2 months.

Why This Works

Drumstick leaves are antimicrobial and are known to combat strains of Mycobacterium quite well (15). This makes them an amazing remedy to combat tuberculosis and its symptoms.

For complete and successful recovery from TB, you must also follow a healthy diet along with these remedies. To help you with the same, here is a diet that throws light on what foods to eat and what to avoid if you have tuberculosis.

Back To TOC

Diet Chart

Best Foods For TB Patients

Calorie-rich and healthy foods like banana, peanuts, and whole grains.

Protein-rich foods like eggs, paneer, tofu, and soy.

Foods rich in vitamins A, E, and C like guava, oranges, amla, tomatoes, lemon, and capsicum.

B-complex foods like fish, pulses, nuts, milk, and whole grains.

• Foods that contain selenium and zinc, such as oysters, chicken, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

Foods To Avoid

• Caffeinated drinks like cola, coffee, and tea.

• Refined foods like sugar, white bread, white pasta, and butter.

• Junk foods

• High-cholesterol meat

Tuberculosis is a recurring condition, especially in its latent (asymptomatic) form. Therefore, to avoid its recurrence and prevent it from spreading to others, here are a few tips.

Prevention Tips

• Always cover your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough.

• Quit smoking.

• Avoid drinking alcohol.

• Dispose of used tissues in a dustbin.

• Wash your hands after sneezing/coughing and also before and after meals.

• Do not visit others and avoid having guests until you are free of the infection.

• Stay away from crowded places.

• Keep the windows of your room open so that there is circulation of fresh air.

• Try and steer clear of public transportation until you have recovered completely.

Recovery from tuberculosis is largely based on precautionary measures. Eating right and taking some basic precautions will work in your favor when it comes to treating TB. This will also help the treatments and remedies work better.

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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

What are the precautions to be taken after TB treatment?

TB treatment lasts for months. Once you are done with the prescribed treatment, it is wise to get yourself tested again to rule out possibilities. You can follow the tips mentioned above to avoid a possible recurrence.

What are the treatment options for tuberculosis (TB)?

Your doctor may begin treatment by putting you on a course of antibiotics, which may require to be taken for as long as six months. Latent TB requires you to take just one drug, whereas, active TB may require you to take multiple drugs because of the drug-resistant strain. The most common medications used to treat TB are Isoniazid, Rifampin, Ethambutol, and Pyrazinamide.

How long does tuberculosis last in the body?

It will take at least six months to rid your body of all the TB bacteria. Although you may start feeling better within weeks of availing treatment, you need to finish the course of the treatment to get rid of all the TB bacteria.

How does a TB test work?

The most common TB test involves injecting a TB bacterium extract into the inside of your forearms. If the skin around the injected area forms a hard and red bump in a couple of days, it is likely that you have contracted tuberculosis.

When should you visit a doctor?

You must visit a doctor immediately if you develop symptoms associated with TB like repetitive cough with phlegm or blood, chest pain, fatigue, fever, weight loss, or night sweats.


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