11 Pētījumos Balstīti Mandeļu Veselības Ieguvumi

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Video: 11 Pētījumos Balstīti Mandeļu Veselības Ieguvumi

Video: 11 Pētījumos Balstīti Mandeļu Veselības Ieguvumi
Video: Paneļdiskusija "Zinātne pret Covid-19" - 1.panelis 2024, Maijs
11 Pētījumos Balstīti Mandeļu Veselības Ieguvumi
11 Pētījumos Balstīti Mandeļu Veselības Ieguvumi

Mandeles (Prunus amygdalus) ir gaiši oranži brūnas krāsas rieksti. Viņi ir bijuši uz kulinārijas skatuves apmēram kopš 3000. gada pirms mūsu ēras

Būtisko minerālvielu, vitamīnu, polifenolu un šķiedrvielu pārpilnība padara mandeles par veselīgu papildinājumu jūsu uzturā. Pētījumos teikts, ka mandeles var palīdzēt ārstēt ar ādu un matiem saistītas problēmas to antioksidantu un pretiekaisuma īpašību dēļ.

Mandeles ir bagātas ar uzturvielām, piemēram, mononepiesātinātām taukskābēm (MUFA), polinepiesātinātām taukskābēm (PUFA) un uztura šķiedrām. Tās ir arī minerālvielu un vitamīnu rezerves. Tajos ietilpst kalcijs, kālijs, magnijs, fosfors, varš, dzelzs, cinks, mangāns, tiamīns, B vitamīns, E vitamīns un vairāki fitoelementi (1).

Tāpēc tie var palīdzēt akūtu un hronisku slimību, piemēram, diabēta, aptaukošanās, sirds un asinsvadu slimību un hiperlipidēmijas, ārstēšanā (1).

Lai uzzinātu, kā mandeles piedāvā šīs priekšrocības un kas tām piešķir tik augstu terapeitisko nozīmi, turpiniet lasīt!

Satura rādītājs

  • Kā mandeles nāk par labu jūsu veselībai?
  • Mandeļu uztura profils
  • Kādi ir veidi, kā pievienot mandeles diētai?
  • Kādas ir pārāk daudz mandeļu lietošanas blakusparādības?

Kā mandeles nāk par labu jūsu veselībai?

Mandeles ir barības vielu lādes, piemēram, E vitamīns, cinks, kālijs un taukskābes. Tie var uzlabot jūsu atmiņu, uzturēt labu redzi, uzlabot gremošanu un ilgstoši uzturēt jūsu uzturu.

1. Mandeles: barības vielu spēkstacijas

Mandeles var būt lieliska uzkoda. Tās ir barības vielām bagātas, ar zemu ogļhidrātu saturu un ar lielu enerģijas daudzumu sēklas, kas neapdraud kompromisus par jūsu aukslēju iepriecināšanu.

Barības vielu sastāva dēļ viņi ir populāri veselības labā. Mandeles ir bagātas ar uzturvielām, piemēram, mononepiesātinātām taukskābēm (MUFA), polinepiesātinātām taukskābēm (PUFA) un uztura šķiedrām.

Tās ir arī minerālvielu un vitamīnu rezerves. Tajos ietilpst kalcijs, kālijs, magnijs, fosfors, varš, dzelzs, cinks, mangāns, tiamīns, B vitamīns, E vitamīns un vairāki fitoelementi (1).

Mandeles lepojas ar iespaidīgu barojošu profilu. 1 oz (28 g) mandeļu satur 14 g tauku, 6 g olbaltumvielu un 164 kalorijas (2).

Tas, kā mandeles tiek patērētas, nosaka to izmērīto metabolizējamo enerģiju (ME).

Metabolizējamā enerģija ir tīrā enerģija, kas paliek pēc fekāliju un urīna zuduma. Citiem vārdiem sakot, ME apzīmē enerģiju, kas pieejama dzīvībai svarīgiem procesiem, piemēram, izaugsmei, reprodukcijai, darbam (kustībai) un elpošanai (1).

Tika konstatēts, ka izmērītā veselo dabisko mandeļu, visu grauzdēto mandeļu un sasmalcināto mandeļu ME ir ievērojami mazāka nekā mērītā ME mandeļu sviesta (1).

Veselu dabisko mandeļu ME bija mazāka nekā veselām grauzdētām mandelēm (1).

2. Var nomierināt, tonizēt un atjaunot jūsu ādu

Mandeles ir bagātas ar eļļām un E vitamīnu. Šie nepiesātinātie tauki un polifenoli darbojas kā lieliski ādas kondicionētāji. Tāpēc senās medicīnas skolas sausās ādas problēmu ārstēšanai izmantoja mandeļu eļļu.

Mandeļu eļļu var izmantot, lai ārstētu sausas ādas slimības, piemēram, psoriāzi un ekzēmu. Tas var arī palīdzēt uzlabot jūsu ādas toni un sejas krāsu. Nepieciešami turpmāki pētījumi, lai noteiktu tā efektivitāti pēcoperācijas rētu ārstēšanā (3).

Šīs sēklas ir dabiski ⍺-tokoferola avoti, kas kopā ar vēl 7 citiem locekļiem ir pazīstami kā E vitamīns. Tokoferoli ir fotoprotektori. Tie novērš ādas bojājumus, ko izraisa saules gaismas un UV staru iedarbība (4), (5).

Mandeles ir īpaši pazīstamas ar antioksidantiem. Mandeļu polifenoli - īpaši flavonoīdi - ir pārsteidzoši brīvo radikāļu savācēji. Viņiem ir arī pretiekaisuma iedarbība uz jūsu ādu.

Īsāk sakot, mandeles jūsu uzturā vai mandeļu eļļa var ārstēt sausu ādu, rētas, grumbas, pigmentāciju un foto bojājumus (4), (5), (6).

3. Var stimulēt matu augšanu

Matu izkrišana ir pieaugoša problēma mūsdienu sieviešu un vīriešu vidū. Par to vainojiet mūsdienu uzturu, dzīvesveidu, piesārņojumu, hormonālo nelīdzsvarotību, nepietiekamu uzturu un pat pārmērīgu uzturu. Dažādas terapijas var palīdzēt tikt galā ar šo problēmu. Eļļas masāža ir klasiska iespēja.

Mandeļu eļļas masāža ir viens no drošākajiem līdzekļiem matu augšanai. Lai absorbētos galvas ādā, vajadzīgs laiks, taču tajā esošais E vitamīns var ietekmēt matus. Pētījumi liecina, ka E vitamīna papildināšana var arī palielināt matu skaitu cilvēkiem, kuriem ir matu izkrišana (7).

Vēl svarīgāk ir tas, ka mikroelementu deficīts var izpausties kā matu krišana. Biotīna deficīts ir reti sastopams, bet tā rezultātā mati kļūst retāki. Tas var izraisīt matu krišanu, izsitumus, trauslus nagus un eksoskeleta problēmas.

Apceptas mandeles tiek uzskatītas par labiem biotīna avotiem (¼ glāzē ir aptuveni 1,5 mcg biotīna).

Tādējādi mandeļu pievienošana diētai un eļļas eļļošana uz matiem un galvas ādas var stimulēt veselīgu matu augšanu (8).

4. Var uzlabot atmiņu, smadzeņu veselību un izziņu

Koku rieksti, piemēram, mandeles, ir dabiski tokoferola, folātu, mono- un polinepiesātināto taukskābju un polifenolu avoti. Šīs barības vielas var novērst vai aizkavēt ar vecumu saistītu kognitīvo traucējumu un amnēzijas rašanos (9).

Žurku pētījumi parādīja, ka mandeles, lietojot tās 28 dienas, ievērojami uzlaboja atmiņas saglabāšanu.

Mandeļu fitoķimikālijas kontrolē arī holesterīna līmeni. Tas nodrošina, ka oksidētas plāksnes neaizsprosto neironus. Tika ierosināts, ka acetilholīns mandelēs ir aktīvais savienojums šeit (9).

Tas parāda mandeļu nootropiskās īpašības.

Diētas, kas satur mandeles, tiek uzskatītas par ārkārtīgi veselīgām. Piemēram, Vidusjūras reģiona diēta, kurā ietilpst olīvas, mandeles un citi rieksti, tomāti, spināti, ķiploki, sparģeļi un aunazirņi, var veicināt smadzeņu vispārējo veselību. Tas viss ir pateicoties viņu piedāvātajiem nepiesātinātajiem taukiem (10).

5. Maija palīdzības svara zudums

Uzkodot, mandeles izraisa sāta sajūtu. Tie ir barības vielu blīvi. Tas novērš hedoniskas bada uzkodas un pārēšanās, galu galā novēršot svara pieaugumu.

Mandelēs esošie nepiesātinātie tauki samazina holesterīna līmeni. Mandeles ir arī lieliski uztura šķiedrvielu avoti (1 oz. Satur 3,5 g šķiedrvielu, 2,4 g nešķīstošās šķiedras). Pārtikai ar augstu šķiedrvielu daudzumu ir nepieciešams laiks, lai sagremotos, tādējādi ilgāk jūtot pilnību (11).

Tomēr šis mandeļu mehānisms ir jāizpēta. Ne daudzi pētnieki uzskata, ka mandeles var palīdzēt zaudēt svaru. Tas ir atkarīgs no visa jūsu uztura plāna un ne tikai no vienas sastāvdaļas, vai ne?

Jūs joprojām varat turpināt un pievienot 1440 kJ ekvivalentu mandeļu porciju ar ierobežotu svara pieauguma risku (12).

6. Var paaugstināt labu holesterīna (ABL) līmeni

Ir pierādīts, ka koku riekstu, piemēram, mandeļu, lietošana samazina sliktā holesterīna līmeni (ZBL).

Almonds are good sources of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats that regulate the LDL levels in individuals with diabetes and high cholesterol as well as their healthy counterparts (13).

Eating almonds as part of your regular diet can help raise the good (HDL) cholesterol in circulation. Substituting high-carb snacks with almonds (about 43g/day) is a good way to start (14).

Having a higher HDL than LDL level in circulation benefits several organ systems – primarily, your heart (15).

7. May Offer And Aid Cardiovascular Protection

Tree nuts, like almonds, contain high fiber, unsaturated fat, and phytochemicals. This profile is known to bring down the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) (1).

This has been proven recently by studying the Mediterranean diet. A Mediterranean diet supplemented with 30 g/day tree nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts) was shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular events by 28 % (16).

Almonds contain nutrients such as folic acid, L-arginine, vitamin E, and vitamin B. These nutrients can modulate the vascular function (vasodilatory property) of the circulatory system.

These seeds can also tone down inflammation and oxidative stress in your body.

Therefore, almonds can protect you from coronary heart disease (CAD), atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure (hypertension) (1), (16).

8. May Improve Glycemic Control And Diabetes

Studies have demonstrated that almonds can decrease the after-meal escalation in blood sugar. They assist in stabilizing blood sugar levels in people with diabetes (17), (18).

Eating about 60 g/day of almonds increases the intake of dietary fiber, magnesium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and vitamin E (17).

Most of these phytonutrients have antioxidant properties that reduce the risk of oxidative damage to proteins (19).

Almonds control your blood sugar levels, boost HDL levels, trap the circulating LDL molecules, combat oxidative stress, and induce satiety. These properties also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

9. May Induce Satiety, Boost Energy And Improve Gastric Environment

Almonds have a tough texture. They can be hard to break down. In fact, a significant proportion of raw almond tissue is preserved intact even after chewing, digestion, and large bowel fermentation. But, chewing (masticating) them constantly releases more lipids and more energy (20), (21).

Another bonus of eating almonds is that it gives you a sense of fullness (satiety) because of their slow disintegration rate.

Roasting almonds increases their disintegration rate. They also get digested quicker than raw ones (20).

Snacking on a few almonds post-lunch can deal with the post-lunch dip in alertness, memory, and focus (22). They pump your energy levels.

One ounce of almonds gives about 164 kcal (kilocalories), pistachios give 159 kcal, and peanuts give 161 kcal of energy (2). Choose your mid-day nibbles wisely!

Snippet Time

Almond oil can be applied topically to your skin. However, it remains mostly on your skin’s surface. Like jojoba and avocado oils, it does not penetrate your skin’s layers.

It contains free unsaturated fatty acids (e.g., oleic acid), the molecules of which may disrupt the skin barrier and enhance its permeability for other compounds present in plant oils (23).

This is why almond, jojoba, avocado, and soybean, oils make ideal carrier oils.

10. May Promote And Maintain Eye Health

If you want perfect vision, you need to consume nutrients like vitamins and minerals that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions. These include vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, carotenoids, and omega-3 fatty acids. These micronutrients work on the oxidative stress and inflammation affecting your eyes (24).

The macula of the retina is said to have high concentrations of free radicals which may damage the proteins and DNA in those cells. Antioxidants protect the macula from degeneration.

Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin improve the pigment density of this region.

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), fight ocular inflammation.

Eating foods rich in these micronutrients can prevent loss of vision, macular degeneration, and other eye disorders (24), (25).

Almonds contain fair amounts of vitamin E (7 mg TE per ¼ cup) and zinc (0.9 mg/oz.). While vitamin E prevents platelet aggregation and improves vasodilation, zinc plays a vital role in cell signaling and nerve-impulse transmission.

Eating small amounts of almonds may not prevent eye problems, but they may control their severity (25).

11. May Strengthen Bones And Prevent Bone Diseases

Consuming 1200 mg of calcium every day is mandatory for all women and men above 51 years. This is recommended by the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) to avoid osteoporosis and other bone diseases (26).

Many studies have shown low calcium intake to be associated with low bone mass, bone loss, and high fracture rates (26), (27).

Dairy products contain calcium. However, foods like spinach, tofu, almonds, kale, broccoli, fortified orange juice, and canned fish like sardines and salmon also contain good amounts of calcium.

Experiments on human bone cell lines (osteoclasts) have revealed that almond meal can inhibit osteoclast formation. It also interferes with the gene expression and functioning of osteoclasts (28).

Thus, almonds, like other calcium-rich foods, have a positive effect on your bone health. You may need additional vitamin D supplementation and physical activity, depending on your body’s calcium index (29).

What is responsible for making almonds beneficial for your health?

It is, undoubtedly, their nutrient composition.

Go through the nutritional profile of almonds in the next section to know why.

Nutrition Profile Of Almonds

Units Water Energy Energy Protein Total lipid (fat) Ash Carbohydrate, by difference Fiber, total dietary Sugars, total Sucrose Glucose (dextrose) Fructose Maltose Galactose Starch Minerals
Iron, Fe Magnesium, Mg Phosphorus, P Potassium, K Sodium, Na Zinc, Zn Copper, Cu Manganese, Mn Selenium, Se Vitamins
Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic acid Vitamin (B6) Folate, total Folate, food Folate, DFE Choline, total Betaine Carotene, beta Vitamin A, IU Lutein + zeaxanthin Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) Tocopherol, beta Tocopherol, gamma Tocopherol, delta Choline, total Choline, total Choline, total Lipids
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated Fatty acids, total trans Fatty acids, total trans-monoenoic Stigmasterol Campesterol Beta-sitosterol Other constituents
(+)-Catechin (-)-Epigallocatechin (-)-Epicatechin Eriodictyol Naringenin Isorhamnetin Kaempferol Quercetin Genistein Total isoflavones Coumestrol Proanthocyanidin dimers Proanthocyanidin trimers Proanthocyanidin 4-6mers Proanthocyanidin 7-10mers Proanthocyanidin polymers (>10mers) Total isoflavones

Almonds have a strong phytochemical composition. They contain tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, lignans, and stilbenes in varying proportions in the seed and skin.

Almond proanthocyanidins include epicatechin, epiafzelechin, and catechin. Tannins like gallotannins, ellagitannins, and phlorotannins that release gallic acid, ellagic acid, and phloroglucinol upon hydrolysis have also been identified in them (30).

When it comes to flavonoids and flavanols, almonds contain cyanidin, catechin, dihydrokaempferol, dihydroquercetin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epicatechin glycoside, gallocatechin gallate, isorhamnetin, kaempferol, quercetin, and their 3-O-glucosides, galactosides, rutinoside, eriodictyol, naringenin, and their glucosides are present in fair amounts (30).

Hydroxycinnamic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, and sinapic acid have also been identified in almonds, but not all are quantified (30).

Under lignans, almonds contain secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol, cyclo-lariciresinol, pinoresinol, sesamin, syringaresinol, 7-hydroxymatairesinol, and matairesinol-7-hydroxy secoisolariciresinol. Biochanin A is the most abundant almond isoflavone. It is followed by genistein, daidzein, glycitein, and formononetin (30).

That’s a ton of nutrition! If all these nutrients and phytonutrients get to work on your body, you’ll definitely be in the pink of health!

To find out how and how much of almonds you should have, scroll down.

What Are The Ways To Add Almonds To Your Diet?

Several studies suggest that consuming about 10–100 g of almonds a day can improve glucose homeostasis and lipid metabolism in your body. Making them a regular addition to your diet can ward off most CVDs (31).

Each almond seed should weigh about 1-1.5 g, and 1 oz. should roughly have 20-23 almonds. You can have 8-10 almonds in a day.

To get started, use almonds as a baking garnish or salad add-on. If they suit you, try them as a snack. You can enjoy them in both salted and unsalted forms. Roasting almonds before serving them brings out their crunchy taste.

You can also have them in your breakfast/meal smoothie. Blend almond milk, fruits, and frozen yogurt to make a delicious smoothie.

Use almond paste in the preparation of soups or vinaigrettes.

Sprinkle slivered, blanched almonds over desserts. Diced almonds work best for stuffing and coatings.

If you haven’t tried almond butter, give it a shot as well. It tastes like heaven!

You can substitute regular cow/buffalo milk with almond milk. Using almond flour instead of regular refined flour can also be a healthy option.

Wondering what can happen if you eat too many almonds in a day?

What Are The Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Almonds?

Almonds contain essential fats, fiber, vitamin E, and phytonutrients. When taken within limits, they are great for your health. But, having too many almonds can be toxic. Here’s what could happen:

Cyanide Poisoning

Bitter almonds store fair amounts of cyanide in their seeds. Each almond seed might release 0.9 to 4.9 mg of hydrogen cyanide per gram. The lethal dose for cyanide is about 50 to 300 mg for an adult. If your almond intake has crossed this dose of cyanide, it may poison you. Consult a doctor immediately (32).


You may feel too full, uncomfortable, and bloated if you eat too many almonds due to their high fiber content (33).

Vitamin E Overdose

You may experience nausea, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, weakness, fatigue, headache, and/or blurred vision if you consume an excessive amount of vitamin E in the form of almonds.

The RDA for vitamin E in adults is 15 mg/day. One ounce (28 grams) of whole almonds contains 7 mg of vitamin E. So, plan your intake accordingly (34).

Drug Interactions

Anticoagulants, chemotherapy drugs, statins, etc., might interact with vitamin E in almonds. This might happen rarely, but the possibility exists (34).

The Take-Home Message…

Like other nuts, almonds are energy-dense and contain good fats, fiber, vitamin E, minerals, and polyphenols. A cup of these will give you an energy boost of 3465 kJ or 828 kcal!

Almonds can promote weight loss and reduce hunger. Moreover, almonds are great for your skin, hair, heart, brain, and eyes.

Share your first almond encounter with us. You can also leave your feedback, suggestions, recipes, and queries in the comments section below.

Happy snacking!

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How many almonds should you eat a day?

Eating roughly 12-15 almonds a day is good for your health.

Is it better to eat almonds with skin or without?

You can eat almonds raw along with their skin. Almond skin flavonoids have been shown to possess antioxidant activity in experimental models. However, some people prefer soaked and skinned almonds over raw ones (1).

What is the best time to eat almonds?

Breakfast is a good time to eat almonds (35).

Can we eat almonds on an empty stomach?

Yes, you can eat almonds on an empty stomach to increase and speed up the absorption of nutrients.

Can we drink water after eating almonds?

Do not drink water after consuming nuts with high oil content, like almonds. It may lead to fat deposition in the food pipe, resulting in irritation and coughing.

Can I eat almonds at night?

Yes, almonds contain the sleep-supporting amino acid tryptophan and proteins that will keep you full all night.

What happens if we eat almonds without soaking?

Your body cannot absorb all the nutrients from almonds if you eat them without removing the skin. Soak them in water overnight for better release of nutrients.

35 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Almonds and Cardiovascular Health: A Review, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Nuts, Almonds, USDA, U. S. Department Of Agriculture.


  • The uses and properties of almond oil, Complementary therapies in Clinical Practice, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • The Role of Phytonutrients in Skin Health, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils, International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Soft & Silky Hair, Health & Environmental Research on Makeup of Salinas Adolescents, UC Berkeley, School of Public Health.


  • Effects of Tocotrienol Supplementation on Hair Growth in Human Volunteers, Tropical Life Sciences Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Biotin, Health Information, Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health.


  • Repeated administration of almonds increases brain acetylcholine levels and enhances memory function in healthy rats while attenuates memory deficits in animal model of amnesia, Brain Research Bulletin, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Boost your memory by eating right, Harvard Women’s Health Watch, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School.


  • Almond Consumption And Weight Loss In Obese And Overweight Adults, Arizona State University.


  • Effect of chronic consumption of almonds on body weight in healthy humans, The British Journal Of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of almond consumption on the reduction of LDL-cholesterol: a discussion of potential mechanisms and future research directions, Nutrition reviews, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Inclusion of Almonds in a Cholesterol-Lowering Diet Improves Plasma HDL Subspecies and Cholesterol Efflux to Serum in Normal-Weight Individuals with Elevated LDL Cholesterol, The Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects, International Journal of Molecular Sciences.


  • Effect of almond consumption on vascular function in patients with coronary artery disease: a randomized, controlled, cross-over trial, Nutrition Journal, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Almond consumption improved glycemic control and lipid profiles in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • The impact of nuts consumption on glucose/insulin homeostasis and inflammation markers mediated by adiposity factors among American adults, Oncotarget, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Almonds decrease postprandial glycemia, insulinemia, and oxidative damage in healthy individuals, The Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Digestion of Raw and Roasted Almonds in Simulated Gastric Environment, Food Biophysics, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Mastication of almonds: effects of lipid bioaccessibility, appetite, and hormone response, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, American Society for Nutrition.


  • Effects of almond consumption on the post-lunch dip and long-term cognitive function in energy-restricted overweight and obese adults, The British Journal Of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils, International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Nutrients for the aging eye, Clinical Interventions in Aging, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Top foods to help protect your vision, Harvard Health Letter, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School.


  • Keeping bones strong, Healthbeat, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School.


  • Bone Health for Life: Health Information Basics for You and Your Family, NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.


  • Postprandial effects of almond consumption on human osteoclast precursors–an ex vivo study, Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Osteoporosis Prevention, Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease, West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources.


  • Almond Polyphenols: Methods of Analysis, Contribution to Food Quality, and Health Promotion, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Institute of Food Technologists.


  • Nuts and Human Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • (R)-Amygdalin, PubChem, U. S. National Library of Medicine.


  • Fiber-How, Student Affairs, Duke Student Health Nutrition Services.


  • Vitamin E, Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health.


  • How to eat nuts the healthy way, Harvard Health Publishing.



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Lasīt Vairāk

5 Galvenie Ieguvumi No Prosa Pievienošanas Diētai

Prosas - bagātas ar būtiskiem ogļhidrātiem, šķiedrvielām un svarīgākajiem mikroelementiem. Dzimtene pasaules austrumu pusē ir prosa, kas ir mūžsenais risinājums aktīvam ķermenim. Šie graudaugi daudzās valstīs kļūst slaveni kā aizstājējs bez lipekļa.Izklausās pārāk labi

Laima Slimība - Cēloņi, Simptomi Un Simptomu Mazināšanas Veidi
Lasīt Vairāk

Laima Slimība - Cēloņi, Simptomi Un Simptomu Mazināšanas Veidi

Nākamreiz, kad esat iesaistīts darbībās vai uzdevumos, kas prasa dabu, labāk veiciet papildu piesardzības pasākumus. Kukaiņu vai ērču kodumi, ko jūs saņemat - neatkarīgi no tā, vai dodaties pārgājienos vai apgriežot mauriņu - arī var atņemt dzīvību, izraisot Laima slimību. Tomēr ir daži mājas ai