5 Galvenie Ieguvumi No Prosa Pievienošanas Diētai

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Video: 5 Galvenie Ieguvumi No Prosa Pievienošanas Diētai

Video: 5 Galvenie Ieguvumi No Prosa Pievienošanas Diētai
Video: АК Моравия: Квартира от инвестора по стоимости, ниже рыночной. Вид на Море. Отличное расположение. 2024, Aprīlis
5 Galvenie Ieguvumi No Prosa Pievienošanas Diētai
5 Galvenie Ieguvumi No Prosa Pievienošanas Diētai

Prosas - bagātas ar būtiskiem ogļhidrātiem, šķiedrvielām un svarīgākajiem mikroelementiem. Dzimtene pasaules austrumu pusē ir prosa, kas ir mūžsenais risinājums aktīvam ķermenim. Šie graudaugi daudzās valstīs kļūst slaveni kā aizstājējs bez lipekļa.

Izklausās pārāk labi, lai būtu patiesība, vai ne? Ritiniet uz leju un uzziniet, ko burvju prosa var darīt jūsu ķermenim!

Satura rādītājs

  • Kas ir prosas?
  • Kādi ir parasti sastopamie prosa veidi?
  • Miltu uztura profils
  • Pieci galvenie ieguvumi no prosa pievienošanas diētai
  • Divi veidi, kā padarīt prosas garšīgas

Kas ir prosas?

Prosa ir veseli graudi, kas pastāv jau tūkstošiem gadu un ir sastopami daudzās diētās visā pasaulē. Prosa ir vadošais štāpeļšķiedras grauds Indijā, un to parasti ēd Ķīnā, Dienvidamerikā, Krievijā un Himalajos (1).

Kā veseli graudi bez lipekļa, prosa ir lielisks graudu variants tiem, kuriem nepieciešama alternatīva. Tos ir ļoti viegli sagatavot (jūs zināt!) Un tie ir pieejamāki visā pasaulē.

Prosas ir neticami daudzpusīgas - tās var izmantot visdažādākajās jomās, sākot no read atjaunotajām maizēm līdz putrām, piedevām un desertiem. Viņu maigo is garšu pastiprina sauso graudu grauzdēšana pirms vārīšanas. Dažās vietās tos pat raudzē un lieto kā alkoholiskos dzērienus.

Prosas var atrast baltā, pelēkā, dzeltenā vai sarkanā krāsā. Izkārtoti uz šķīvja, tie izskatās skaisti. Prosas audzē arī kā liellopu, mājlopu un putnu barību ar lielu šķiedrvielu daudzumu.

Ritiniet uz leju, lai apskatītu pasaulē audzētās prosas.

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Kādi ir parasti sastopamie prosa veidi?

Kādi ir parasti sastopamie prosa veidi
Kādi ir parasti sastopamie prosa veidi

Prosa ir graudu grupa, kurā ietilpst pērļu prosa (Pennisetum glaucum), lapsas prosa (Setaria italica), proso prosa (Panicum miliaceum), gala prosa vai ragi (Eleusine coracana), dārza prosa (Echinochloa crus-galli), mazā prosa (Panicum sumatrense), kodo prosa (Paspalum scrobiculatum), fonio prosa (Digitaria exilis) un adlay prosa vai Ījaba asaras (Coix lachryma-jobi) (2).

Lūk, vēl kāda informācija par dažādiem prosa veidiem:

Vietējais nosaukums

Ļaujiet man padalīties ar sīkāku informāciju par varoņiem, kas atrodas aiz prosa lielvarām. Ritiniet uz leju, lai uzzinātu prosu uztura un fitoķīmiskos profilus.

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Neapstrādātu prosu uztura profils

Kalorijas Daudzumi vienā kausā (200g) Kopējais ogļhidrātu daudzums
Tauki kopā Kopējās transmonoēnskābes taukskābes Kopējās transpolienēnskābes Kopējais Omega-3 taukskābes
Olbaltumvielas Daudzumi vienā kausā (200g) A vitamīns E vitamīns (alfa tokoferols) Daudzumi vienā kausā (200g) Kalcijs
Olbaltumvielas (g)
Kukurūza Pērļu prosa

Prosās un to sēklās ir gallskābe, ferulskābe, protekatehīnskābe, kumarskābe, kanēļskābe, kofeīnskābe, sinapīnskābe, kvercetīns, kaempferols, luteolīna glikozīds, floroglucinols, apigenīns, katehīns, epikatehīns, glikozilviteksīns, vairāki glikovīti citi fitoķimikālijas (5).

Woah! Tas ir daudz uztura vienā graudā! Ko jūsu ķermenim nodara augsti vērtīgi pārtikas produkti, piemēram, prosa? Kādām ķermeņa daļām viņi palīdz? Lasiet tālāk, lai atrastu atbildes.

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Pieci galvenie ieguvumi no prosa pievienošanas diētai

1. Ideāli cilvēkiem, kuriem ir diabēts

Salīdzinot ar citām graudaugu kultūrām, piemēram, kviešiem un kukurūzu, prosas uzturā ir daudz uzturvielu, bez lipekļa un glikēmiskais indekss ir no 54 līdz 68.

Tie nodrošina lielu enerģiju, daudz pārtikas šķiedrvielu, olbaltumvielas ar līdzsvarotu aminoskābju profilu, daudzus svarīgus minerālvielas, vitamīnus un antioksidantus - tiem visiem ir būtiska loma diabēta pazemināšanā.

Lapu astes prosa uzlabo glikēmijas kontroli un jutību pret insulīnu šādiem cilvēkiem. Tie var arī samazināt HbA1c antigēna līmeni, tukšā dūšā glikozi, insulīnu, kopējo holesterīnu, triglicerīdu un ZBL koncentrāciju.

These signs show that millets have a positive dietary impact on diabetes when supported with right medication (3).

2. Help In Weight Management

Palīdzība svara kontrolē
Palīdzība svara kontrolē

Obesity is a major cause of a variety of metabolic disorders. And diet plays a critical role in controlling obesity. Following a low-carb and high-fiber diet, along with regular physical activity, can reduce body weight to some extent.

Including whole grains like millets, brown rice, whole wheat, oats, barley, sorghum, etc. can have an incredible effect on the BMI (body mass index) of obese individuals.

Consuming about 3 servings of whole grains per day can also reduce fat accumulation, improve gut microbiota (good gut bacteria), and help you feel lighter and physically active (4).

3. Lower Cholesterol And Protect Heart

Pearl, finger, kodo, and other varieties of millets are all rich in micronutrients like iron, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium, and amino acids such as leucine and valine.

Millets have polyphenolic acids, β-glucans, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, condensed tannins, lignans, and policosanols that are potent antioxidants. They also reduce the plasma LDL levels and total cholesterol and keep the blood vessels dilated and healthy.

This way, consuming millets can prevent lipid peroxidation and associated cardiovascular diseases and ischemic strokes (5).

4. Healthy For Children And Pregnant Women

Veselīgi bērniem un grūtniecēm
Veselīgi bērniem un grūtniecēm

As millets contain fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals like calcium and iron, they can be given to children and pregnant women.

Many traditional Asian and African dishes given to pregnant women prior to delivery contain millets. Kenyan women consume ugali, which is made from a mixture of sorghum and finger millet flour. It is cooked to a dough-like consistency and eaten with local vegetables, meat stew, or fermented milk (6).

Popped millets can be served as healthy snacks to children, especially if they are malnourished. Carbs, essential fatty acids, and calcium give children the strength and immunity they need while growing up (5).

5. Could Have Anti-Cancer Effects

Apart from antioxidant and antidiabetic effects, millets might possess anticancer effects too. Recent research points out that few millet proteins (from foxtail and proso varieties) could inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in various tissues.

Millet phytochemicals showed antiproliferative effects against cancer cells of the colon, breast, and liver without damaging the surrounding normal cells. The antioxidant phenolic acids and anthocyanidins make a promising remedy for many cancers. Further research in these areas can reveal more about the anticancer properties of millets (7), (8).

Millets are such miraculous grains, don’t you agree?

How can you absorb all this goodness of millets? The simplest way is to add them to your food. Find out how!

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Two Ways To Make Millets Tasty

Barring the boring porridge, you can try out these super simple, tasty, and quick ways of cooking millets. These dishes can make a great brunch or dinner. Check them out!

1. Vegan Millets – Curry Style

Vegānu prosa - karija stils
Vegānu prosa - karija stils
What You Need
  • Millets: 1 cup
  • Olive oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Onion: 1, diced
  • Garlic: 2 cloves, diced
  • Water: 2½ cups
  • Cumin: ½ teaspoon, ground
  • Curry powder: 2 teaspoons
  • Salt: 1 teaspoon or as required
  • Skillet: medium-large sized
Let’s Make It
  1. In a medium-sized bowl, add the millets and pour enough water over them to cover by at least 2 inches.
  2. Leave them open to soak the millets for 8 hours to overnight. Drain the water.
  3. In a skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat.
  4. Add the onion and garlic in the hot oil, and stir and cook them until onion is lightly browned (for 10 to 15 minutes).
  5. Mix the millets, two and a half cups of water, salt, and cumin into the onion mixture. Give them a slight stir.
  6. Cover and simmer until millets are tender and the water is absorbed. This might take about 20 minutes.
  7. Add the curry powder to cooked millets and stir well until they get thoroughly mixed.
  8. Squeeze a lemon wedge and sprinkle some chopped coriander.
  9. Serve hot with a cup of strong ginger tea!

2. Yummy Millet Muffins

Yummy Millet smalkmaizītes
Yummy Millet smalkmaizītes
What You Need
  • Whole wheat flour: 2¼ cups
  • Millets: ⅓ cup
  • Baking soda: 1 teaspoon
  • Baking powder: 1 teaspoon
  • Salt: 1 teaspoon
  • Buttermilk: 1 cup
  • Egg: 1, lightly beaten
  • Vegetable oil: ½ cup
  • Honey: ½ cup to 1 cup
  • Mixing bowl: 2, medium-large sized
Let’s Make It
  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Grease 16 muffin cups.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the whole wheat flour, millets, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, egg, vegetable oil, and honey.
  4. Stir the buttermilk mixture into the flour mixture just until it is evenly moist. Whisk thoroughly.
  5. Transfer the batter to the greased muffin cups.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean.
  7. Serve warm with some cranberry crush or piping hot black coffee!

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Millets are a gluten-free and drought-tolerant source of long-lasting energy. The bran and fiber in these whole grains slow down the breakdown of starch into glucose. Thus, they maintain a steady blood sugar rather than causing sharp spikes. In other words, millets are ideal for those with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

These grains have high levels of fiber that help lower cholesterol and move waste through the digestive tract (bulking agent). It’s high time you chose millets over white rice – because they are three to five times nutritionally superior to the latter.

As they are versatile to cook and tasty, you don’t have to bore yourself with a millet porridge. Whip up our quick and simple recipes and enjoy with your family. Yes, the kids will love them too!

We eagerly await your feedback about those dishes. Use the box below to share your comments, suggestions, and relevant information about this read and help us get better.


  1. “Whole Grains A to Z” Oldways Whole Grains Council
  2. “Millets” Alternative Field Crops Manual, University of Wisconsin-Extension,
  3. “Dietary Interventions for Type 2…” Frontiers in Plant Science, US National Library of Medicine
  4. “The Role of Whole Grains in Body Weight…” Advances in Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine
  5. “Significance of coarse cereals in…” Journal of Food Science and Technology, US National Library of Medicine
  6. “Pārtikas uzskati un prakse starp Kalenjin…” Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, ASV Nacionālā medicīnas bibliotēka
  7. “Fitoķīmiskā un antiproliferatīvā aktivitāte…” PLoS One, ASV Nacionālā medicīnas bibliotēka
  8. "Jauns proteīns, kas iegūts no lapsu astes prosas klijām …" Toksikoloģijas vēstules, ASV Nacionālā medicīnas bibliotēka


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