40 Pārsteidzoši Vīraka Vīrusa Eļļas Ieguvumi ādai, Matiem Un Veselībai

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Video: 40 Pārsteidzoši Vīraka Vīrusa Eļļas Ieguvumi ādai, Matiem Un Veselībai

Video: 40 Pārsteidzoši Vīraka Vīrusa Eļļas Ieguvumi ādai, Matiem Un Veselībai
Video: KĻŪSTI PAR SKAISTULI JAU ŠODIEN ! Skaistumkopšanas procedūras MATIEM UN SEJAS ĀDAI MĀJĀS. 2024, Aprīlis
40 Pārsteidzoši Vīraka Vīrusa Eļļas Ieguvumi ādai, Matiem Un Veselībai
40 Pārsteidzoši Vīraka Vīrusa Eļļas Ieguvumi ādai, Matiem Un Veselībai

Nekādā ziņā nav saistīts ar Frankenšteinu - vīraka eļļa ir viena no ēteriskajām eļļām, ko izmanto aromterapijā. Šī smaržīgā eļļa tiek iegūta no Boswellia sacra koka vai Boswellia carterii. Ājurvēdā to sauc arī par Šalaki vai Salai Guggulu. Kam ir virkne veselības ieguvumu, no vīraka eļļas tiek izmantotas arī vairākas smaržas, ādas kopšanas līdzekļi un vīraka nūjiņas.

Saskaņā ar Bībeli vīraks bija viena no trim dāvanām, ko trīs gudrie nesa Jēzus bērniņam. Šīs aromātiskās eļļas vēsture, kas aizsākās gadsimtiem ilgi, galvenokārt atrodama tādās valstīs kā Omāna, Somālija un Jemena. Citronu muskusa vīraka smarža maigi izsakoties ir atsvaidzinoša. Nav brīnums, ka šī eļļa ir iecienīta aromterapijas jomā!

Satura rādītājs

  • Kādu vīraka vīrusa eļļu sauc dažādās indiešu valodās?
  • Priekšrocības vīraka eļļai
  • Frankincense ādas ieguvumi
  • Priekšrocības vīraka matiem
  • Vīraka vīrusa ieguvumi veselībai

Kādu vīraka vīrusa eļļu sauc dažādās indiešu valodās?

  • Hindi valodā - Lobaan tālr
  • Tamilu - Caampiraani enney
  • Malajalam - Kunturukkavum enna
  • Telugu valodā - Saambraani nune

Priekšrocības vīraka eļļai

Ir zināms, ka vīraks un vīraka eļļai ir vairākas ārstnieciskas īpašības. Senos laikos cilvēki to plaši izmantoja, lai ārstētu vairākas veselības problēmas. Faktiski vienā brīdī vēsturē vīraka tirdzniecība kļuva par ienesīgāko tirdzniecību pasaulē! Par laimi, mūsdienu zinātnieki pamazām pamodina priekšrocības, ko piedāvā šis apbrīnojamais sveķiem līdzīgais dabas brīnums. Bez tam, ka vīraka eļļa spēlē galveno lomu aromterapijā, tā ir pazīstama arī ar pretiekaisuma un pretvēža īpašībām.

Frankincense ādas ieguvumi

Mūsu āda ir visredzamākais ķermeņa orgāns. Ar vīraku vīruss ādai var darīt pārsteidzošus brīnumus. Lūk, kā:

1. Ādas kondicionieris

Frankincense ziedu ūdens lietošana var darboties kā ādas kondicionieris, ja to lieto ārēji. Regulāri lietojot šo dabīgo kondicionieri, āda var kļūt maiga un gluda.

2. Rētu samazināšana

Āda bez defektiem daudziem ir sapnis. Vīraks var palīdzēt mazināt pūtītes, operācijas zīmes, strijas un cita veida rētas no ādas, padarot jūsu sapni par realitāti.

3. Ādas atjaunošana

Frankincense var mazināt grumbas un smalkās līnijas, atjaunojot veselīgas ādas šūnas. Šīs sulas lietošana var likt jums izskatīties tikpat jauniem, cik jūtaties savā sirdī! Tas tiek uzskatīts par labāko Frankincense ādas kopšanas ieguvumu.

4. Stiprina pirkstu nagus

Vīraka lietošana uz nagiem var stiprināt vājus vai trauslus un smalkus nagus.

5. Pretinfekcija

Frankincense, kas ir dezinfekcijas līdzeklis, var izmantot, lai notīrītu brūces vai griezumus, ļaujot ātrāk dziedēt, neatstājot rētas.

6. Ārstē kārpas

Vīraka lietošana kārpas divas reizes dienā pāris nedēļas var liecināt par pakāpenisku izārstēšanu.

7. Kukaiņu kodumi

Piliens vīraka eļļas ir spēja samazināt pietūkumu, ko izraisa kukaiņu kodumi. Tas arī palīdz ātrāk dziedēt.

Priekšrocības vīraka matiem

Ja neesat apmierināts ar matiem, vīraks var būt atbilde uz jūsu lūgšanām!

8. Izārstē blaugznas

Gandrīz visas ēteriskās eļļas, ieskaitot vīraku, var nodrošināt atbrīvojumu no blaugznām, ja tās regulāri lieto.

9. Piešķir spīdīgus matus

Jūs varat izmantot tikai vīraka eļļu vai sajaukt to ar kādu mirru, lai iegūtu matus, kas mirdz ar veselību. Jūs varat izmantot šos divus kā ieveidošanas želeju un iegūt pārsteidzošus rezultātus.

10. Aptur matu krišanu un dod veselīgus matus

Ir zināms, ka vīraka vīraka eļļa padara matu saknes stiprākas, apturot matu krišanu un dodot vietu veselīgākiem matiem.

Vīraka vīrusa ieguvumi veselībai

Frankincense veselības ieguvumi ir neskaitāmi, tāpēc tas ir pazīstams arī ar neskaitāmiem ieguvumiem veselībai, no kuriem daži ir:

11. Mazina sāpes

Locītavu un citas iekaisuma dēļ radušās sāpes var mazināt, izmantojot vīraka eļļu.

12. Stresa mazināšana

Stress ir neatņemama mūsdienu dzīves sastāvdaļa. Bet jūs varat izmantot vīraka eļļu kā smaržas vai uzklāt to templī, atkarībā no tā, kas ir ērti, lai atbrīvotu no stresa.

13. Muskuļu sāpes

Frankincense palīdz cirkulēt asinis skartajā zonā un palīdz mazināt muskuļu sāpes. Tas galvenokārt ir noderīgs cilvēkiem, kuri cieš no reimatisma.

14. Atbrīvo niezi

Tieša vīraka lietošana skartajā zonā pakāpeniski atbrīvojas no niezes.

15. Back Pain Relief

Lifting heavy weights, pregnancy, bad posture - all these can cause severe back pain. If you are suffering from back pain, you can get relief with the application of frankincense oil on the affected area.

16. Inflammation Relief

Application of frankincense directly or intake of it in the form of a capsule can help in providing relief from inflammation.

17. Improves Immunity

A weak immune system equals falling sick frequently. Intake of frankincense capsules and application of frankincense oil at the bottom of the feet can strengthen one’s immune system, enabling one to live a healthier life.

18. Visual Problems

Though it makes the eyes water, the application of frankincense around the eyes, cheekbones, and brow bones for a couple of months can help in enhancing your vision. Rubbing the palms together with one drop of frankincense and by placing these palms over opened eyes for less than five minutes every day can provide relief from several visual problems.

19. Improves Concentration

Regular application of one to two drops of frankincense oil on the temple and back of the neck can improve one’s concentration.

20. Anti-Carcinogenic

With many documented cases, frankincense has proved itself as an anti-carcinogenic and can be used to fight cancer. This is considered to be one of the best frankincense benefits for health.

21. Natural Cure For Rheumatoid Arthritis

The gum resin extract of this herb is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Boswellic acid present in Boswellia prevents healthy tissues from breaking down. Thus, it harnesses the inflammation and pain experienced due to rheumatoid arthritis. Studies suggest that this is one of the most sought after rheumatoid arthritis drug, next to the NSAID – ketoprofen. This herb also strengthens the connective tissues, thereby improving the supply and flow of blood to the affected region. This, in turn, helps in easing down the inflammation and pain experienced at the site. You can either use this in the form of tablets or powder or just apply as a poultice on the affected region for the benefits.

22. Treats Osteoarthritis

This herb is an effective cure for osteoarthritis. Various studies have been conducted on the efficiency of shallaki and Cox-2 inhibitors. And, as per the study, it was revealed that even though it required a longer duration for the herb to work effectively, the results lasted even after the herb was discontinued. The case of Cox-2 inhibitors is different. The results are visible faster, but it was noticed that the effect lasted only till the moment the drug was in use. Plus, there were no side effects found when shallaki was used while the latter gave rise to constipation, upset stomach, diarrhea, and even gastric bleeding.

23. Treats Chronic Asthma

Frankincense is known to offer relief to those who are victims of chronic asthma. Studies conducted on the effectiveness of this drug to cure asthma suggest that regular use is known to ease the symptoms of asthma and lower the rate of attacks. However, more studies are required to assess whether this drug can be used for a longer duration.

24. Cures Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Research prove that Sallai Guggulu contains certain elements that possess the ability to obstruct the functioning of leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are produced by the immune system of your body in events where the body comes under the provocation of a negative reaction within the body. These, in turn, cause irritable bowel syndrome and inflammation associated with it. Studies suggest that regular use of Boswellia can help in lowering such inflammations, offering relief from IBS. It is also known to have a positive impact on Crohn’s disease as well as ulcerative colitis.

25. Aids In Shedding Excess Weight

Shallaki is a rich source of guggulsterones. These elements are known to aid in weight loss. It stimulates the thyroid, normalizing its functioning. This, in turn, aids in losing weight. Studies conducted on mice under lab conditions suggest that regular ingestion of this herb aids in fat loss. However, more research needs to be conducted and that too on humans to ascertain its power. Nevertheless, it is quite a safe weight loss supplement when compared to the other over the counter weight loss drugs.

26. Good For Heart

Frankincense is known to lower the cholesterol level and triglyceride levels and keep them under control. This, in turn, safeguards the heart from various medical conditions inflicted by high cholesterol levels including atherosclerosis.

27. Eases Fever And Headaches

This herb is known to possess aspirin-like properties. This, in turn, enables it to be used as an analgesic and antipyretic agent when you have high fever.

28. Helps In Curing Bronchial Conditions

Various studies conducted on the benefits of frankincense suggest that the anti-inflammatory nature of this herb along with the antibacterial properties enable it to ease bronchial infections. It eases the contraction experienced by the blood vessels by lowering the inflammation. Thus, it improves the flow of blood to the bronchial region, offering immense relief from pain experienced due to the condition.

29. Effective Antidote For Bad Breath

The antibacterial properties of Salai guggulu enable it to be used as a natural cure for bad breath triggered by gum diseases. Gum disorders cause inflammations, which in turn triggers bad breath. Once the inflammation is eased, and the bacteria are eliminated, the bad breath automatically ceases. Add two to three drops of the oil of Boswellia to lukewarm water and gargle twice a day for faster relief.

30. Works As A Natural Diuretic

Certain studies point out that this herb has diuretic properties also. This, along with its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial nature, treats urinary tract infections.

31. Natural Tonic For The Brain

Studies suggest that this herb can be used to pep up the concentration and intelligence levels. Thus, it acts as a tonic for the brain.

32. Helps In Improving Male Fertility

Shallaki is known to possess aphrodisiac properties. Ayurveda suggests that regular ingestion of this herb helps in improving the fertility levels in male by enhancing the quality and count of sperm. Not for nothing is frankincense oil known as the king of all essential oils! With such amazing benefits, frankincense truly deserves all the kudos it gets.

33. Good For Uterine Health

Frankincense oil is good for your uterine health. It controls the production of estrogen. This prevents the chances of cyst formation in the uterus and post menopause tumors, known as uterine cancer. It keeps the uterus healthy by managing regular menstrual cycles. It also treats stressors and other gynecologic conditions.

Some doctors use frankincense oil to treat uterine hemorrhaging and heavy menstrual flow (1). The oil has also been found to purify mucous membranes in the uterus (2).

34. Works As An Astringent

Frankincense oil contains astringent properties (3). It is known to strengthen hair roots and contract the blood vessels, intestines, and muscles. It also strengthens the gums and helps prevent premature hair loss.

The oil is also used to get relief from diarrhea. It acts as a coagulant and helps in slowing down bleeding in cuts and wounds (4).

35. Good For Oral Health

Frankincense essential oil has powerful antiseptic qualities that help treat a number of oral problems, such as toothaches, mouth sores, and mouth infections. It also has been found to give relief from halitosis or bad breath (5).

36. Improves Mental Clarity

When infused in air or applied on the base of your neck, frankincense oil can improve your focus and mental attention (6).

37. Aids Digestion

Frankincense oil is a great boon for people suffering from severe acidity and indigestion. The antacids or other digestion medicines only overpower the symptoms. But frankincense oil can make the digestion process easier, and works much better than antacids. The oil fastens the secretion of gastric juices in the stomach and makes the movement of food through the intestines easy. It also enhances the digestive system by detoxifying bowel movements (7).

38. Fights Against Cancer Cells

Many studies and researches have proven that frankincense oil has cancer-fighting properties. It has been known to effectively kill bladder cancer cells. Frankincense oil exhibits cytotoxic and cytostatic activities in several human cancer cell lines, such as the cells of leukemia, melanoma, hepatoma, colon cancer, prostate cancer, fibrosarcoma, and pancreatic cancer. Chemical extracts of frankincense resins also possess anticancer activities.

In one study, the active ingredients in frankincense oil were found to activate an immune cell attack against the cancer cells (8). The oil may also be used internally, aromatically, or even topically for treating different forms of cancer (9).

39. Balances Hormones And Treats Depression

Frankincense oil is also used to treat depression since it contains sesquiterpenes (10). These sesquiterpenes stimulate the limbic system present in the brain – the penial, pituitary glands, and the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a master gland that produces several important hormones, such as growth hormones and thyroid.

40. Helps Treat Abdominal Gas

Frankincense oil has been found to eliminate gas from the body and prevent its build-up. This, in turn, prevents the onset of several other related issues like abdominal pain, heaviness in the chest, abnormal sweating, etc.

[Read: Amazing Benefits Of Flaxseed Oil]

Do try this amazing gift of nature for a healthier, more beautiful you! Do write back your feedback in the comments section below.


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